Thursday, 22 January 2015

A French Review of Haywood's The Rash Resolve (1724)

The following very short review is of Emanuella, a French translation of Haywood’s The Rash Resolve, which appears in the Bibliothèque Française 9 (Nivôse An 9 [December 1800–January 1801]): 190–91 (here). It seems that the review is by the blind "homme de lettres" [man of letters] Marie Charles Joseph de Pougens (1755–1833)—he has a (French) Wikipedia page here—since it appears in a section titled "Notices par Charles Pougens" (ibid., 171). This review was not mentioned in my Bibliography of Eliza Haywood (under Ab.9.2).

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Emanuella, ou la découverte prématurée. par mad. Elise Haywood. Trad. de l’Anglais. I v. in-12 de 264 p., fig. Ouvrier, rue St.-André-des-Arcs, no. 41.
  Des aventures simples, un style naturel, tels sont les principaux caractères de ce roman, dont la lecture plaira à tous ceux qui aiment à n’être que doucement intéressés.

[Emanuella, or The Premature Discovery. By Madam Elise Haywood. Translated from the English. 1 vol., 12mo. …
  Simple adventures and natural style, these are the principle characteristics of the novel, the reading of which will appeal to those who like to be only mildly engaged.]

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